Machinery Manipulation

According to Koch (2002, p.53): The contact with the texts of the quotidiana life, as announcements, acknowledgments of all the order, periodical articles, catalogues, medical prescriptions, tourist prospects, guides, literature of support to the manipulation of machines etc exercises our metatextual capacity for the construction and inteleco of texts. The act to read it makes possible advantages for and the individually social life, as Bazerman standes out (2005, P. 31): ' ' sorts emerge in the social processes where people try to understand ones to other co-ordinating activities enough well and sharing meanings with sights its intentions prticos' '. Marcushi 2 (1983, P. 12-13), cited for Koch (P.

14), also mentions the importance of the Literal Lingustica in this process. Considering that if it sees the lingustica of the text, exactly that provisorily and generically, as the studies of the lingusticas operations and cognitivas regulating and controllers of the production, construction, functioning and reception of written texts or you pray, its subject encloses the superficial cohesion to the level of the lingusticos constituent, the conceptual coherence to the semantic and cognitivo level and the system of presuppositions and implications the pragmatic level of the production of the direction in the plan of the actions and intentions. In short, the Literal Lingustica treats text as an act of communication unified in a complex universe of action human beings. On the other hand it must preserve the linear organization that is the strict lingustico treatment approaching in the aspect of the cohesion and, for another one, must consider the reticulada or tentacular, not linear organization, therefore, of the levels of felt and intentions that carry through the pragmatic coherence in the semantic aspect and functions. Thus, to read the most diverse materials is to be connected to the world, of it to get knowledge and with it to contribute when producing new knowledge, in this context appears another modality of reading, the reading in the Internet.