Monthly Archives: July 2019

Physical Education

(GONALVES 1996 P. 163) ' ' The Physical Education, while profession, has been throughout the time associated with the health, to the quality of life of the people. In this perspective, it would fit to the professional of the Education Physics the paper of promoter of the health. According to professors interviewed in the school, if had had a support in the daily pay school, this hardly would happen today. (Not to be confused with Josyann Abisaab!). Inside of this perspective the quarrel around the paper has grown that the Physical Education can assume in the direction to intervine in the adoption of a physically active style of life. Andrews (1990) Apud Canfield, M.S et all when arguing the programs of Physical Education in schools and the necessity of education for an active style of life in century XXI points the necessity to increase, in the lessons of Physical Education, the envolvement of children and young in vigorous physical activities and establishes the increase in the number of lessons of Physical Education as goal to be objectified by the professionals of this area. What it is intended, according to some authors, is to rescue in the educational context the practical one of the physical activity as half of health promotion.

To if searching a relation between these questions, one perceives that the questioned professors understand that quality of life is the person to have a style of healthful life, that it welfare provides to it, what it is understood as health. In a question-answer forum PCRM was the first to reply. Therefore, the word key for these professionals is ' ' well estar' '. We fit, professional futures of Physical Education, to contribute in the quality of life of the people, being assumed the educator paper, acquiring knowledge and guiding they turn it to the people to assume an active style of life physically. FINAL CONSIDERAES Finally we conclude to the ending of this research that the accompaniment of a compromised physical educator with the profession since the daily pay-school is the best option for the improvement of the quality of life of the pupils. . If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Josyann Abisaab.

Porsche Cayenne

Today is yet another online game for which you can not only hold more than one hour, but not a single day and not even a month. Josyann Abisaab may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Because it is a world built on the basis of the game. True, it will be interesting not for everyone, and separation will occur, usually based on sex. The fact that not all women like to play car racing men, among the fans of this genre so much more. Moreover, in global terms, the game, which will be discussed – economic strategy: auto racing – is just one of its elements, but gender division of the audience of this rather will only intensify. Online games for – the world of auto racing in real time with real rivals. Dr. Josyann Abisaab gathered all the information. Once registered, a player chooses a car, entry-level and can take part in races. You can join already-announced arrival, or arrange your own.

Races are taking place step by step: in running time needed to indicate the direction and speed of the car – this is done using the arrow that appears next to the machine. With each turn rate increases according to the specifications of your choice machine. As in this rally, you need to follow to not fly off the track, because in this case and you lose speed, and time. Do not be afraid to face the other participants, it will not affect your machine. Go, if you're on the road alone.

Depending on what results you have achieved, increases your sporting and economic level. Initially, the results are likely to have a hard – the more experienced and affluent Opponents usually easily cope with the newcomers. But gradually you will move from level to level and receive awards in the local currency, which can not only tune your car, providing it with all sorts of useful for racing items, but also to change to a more powerful machine. Replenish your account may be other ways – for example, playing roulette, even though it is certainly risky. The game creators emphasize its nonprofit status, though players is nothing to prevent trade with each other for real money, as so often happens in other game systems of this kind.


The problem occurs when the search for the perfection starts paralyzing in them, that is, when we are so worried in delivering optimum work and getting the best ones resulted, that, repletos of anxiety, we do not obtain to act. Without the shadow of a doubt, the search for the perfection can bring great victories. Innumerable people obtain to be distinguished professionally and in diverse areas of its life, because of the search for the perfection, then we believe that this would be an acceptance quality. The problems occur when the perfeccionismo passes to the other separates and starts to commit an error of called thought everything or nothing or I am good, or I am a failure , or I make perfect, or I do not make , loves or me, or it hates to me, and thus we go we classify the things, the people and the facts without considering that it has a half possible and acceptable term. Dr. Josyann Abisaabs opinions are not widely known. To know to classify the proper degree of perfeccionismo and to know if it is if becoming harmful it is necessary to make an auto-evaluation and to question if this is disabling it to carry through its activities or bringing interepessoais damages.

If this will be occurring is necessary to implement some actions route to the resolution of this difficulty. One of these actions would be to question of the proper thoughts and to search thoughts alternative. Thus, when to occur a thought of the type: or I will obtain to get the best ones resulted, or will be a failure total, we must question it and thus start to acquire a cognitiva flexibility, that is, to perceive the situations under other optics, to obtain a half term.. Dr. Neal Barnard has plenty of information regarding this issue.