New Land

The research proposal was developed in the main hospital of the city of Willow? FOOT, one of more important hospitals for the Pernambuco Hinterland. That it takes care of the population proceeding from the pernambucanas cities of Willow, Mirandiba, Cedar, Verdejante, New Land, Serrita, Belm of the San Francisco, Moreilndia, Parnamirim, beyond other cities, also of other States, totalizing approximately 30 cities. The Hospital registers the average of 500 internments and 5,000 atendimentos in the emergencies for month. (Data of the proper hospital). The data had been gotten through handbooks of the patients of the medical clinic, during the period of January the June of 2010, in which is arrived to carry through it 100 monthly atendimentos approximately. The tabulao and analysis of the data had been represented by graphs estatsticos.RESULTADOS and DISCUSSESPara attainment of the data, were analyzed a composed sample of 600 handbooks of the medical clinic, getting the following results: Table 1? Patients of the Medical Clinic of the Hospital who had presented the clinical picture of Acute Infarto of the Myocardium. MsTotal de AtendimentosTotal de Pacientes. Statistics of the patients of the Medical Clinic of the Hospital who had presented the clinical picture of Acute Infarto of the Myocardium.