
What Toys to buy the child. With the typical errors sorted out, but what about quantity? Also, be aware that some toys are generally suitable only certain age. For newborn to 3 months not enough more than 3-5 toys. At this age, the defining property of toys, a 'sensory brightness'. Therefore, toys should be big and bright (not to be confused with the brightness of the 'acidic' colors), simply put, attracting attention.

Perfect variety of pendants, toys with pleasant melodies, moving toy, the movement of which they enjoy to watch. The child of one year at the same time can offer a 02.03 toy. So way he will learn to distinguish them by different criteria: color, size and shape. Of course, so many toys should not be restricted. And so the baby has not dried up interest in its own treasures, you can apply little trick: leave a few toys, and the rest hide in a box away. Later, you'll notice that the child loses interest in the 'current' toys. It's time to get out of the box 'new' toys, but bored to hide. That's changing toys, you will ensure continued interest in the child without having to buy new ones.

Up to a year. It is important poschrenie motor 'communion' with the toy, so the child should be given toys, that can understand. Children under 3 years. The aim of the game is a desire to move objects in space. Any doll, pyramids and much more are a great option. It is also very good for a child to have contact with different texture, that is, the furry stuffed toys, smooth, etc. To sum up I want to say that a reasonable approach when buying toys is a must, but I would especially like to mention one thing: try to understand that buying a baby toys, you're not doing him a favor. That is his right and a necessity. Because the main method of teaching and learning in the preschool age is just a game.