ISRS Treatment

In accordance with DSM IV, many Bulimicos individuals present periods of Anorexy, being able to transit of a state for another one. The people with AN present an intense fear to get fat, that she persists as intrusiva an idea and sobrevalorada, associated to a preference for the extreme magreza. They present a riot of the corporal image that makes with that they perceive as fatter of what really they are. The treatment is made with a farmacoterpica boarding. The selective inhibitors of recaptao of the serotonina (ISRS) have been the studied antidepressants more in the treatment of an. The antipsychotics must eventually be used in those more difficult and refractory patients.

The Mannering treatment can be fact, with description that the person has of its copor and the real description for the therapist, showing it how much its vision is distorted of the reality. The subjective corporal image is therefore when its perception does not correspond to its true appearance. The individuals Upheaval of the Periodic Alimentary Compulsion, eat compulsory do not make regular vomit use or abuse of exercises, laxative or diurticos. The similarity of the individuals with BN is that both hide this compulsoem public. Queapesar of the insatisfao with the body does not present riot of its corporal image. The antidepressants must be prescribed when associate has a clear evidence of an affective upheaval, the antidepressants can be prescribed for patients who remain gotten depressed, although the improvement of the symptoms of the alimentary behavior, and for patients who do not answer or answer partially to the psicoteraputica intervention. The indicated drugs more are the ISRS, between them the fluoxetina and the fluvoxamina, that more they had been studied. The mannering psicoterpico treatment can concomitantly be made together with the farmacolgico treatment. It is important to leave clearly that it has genuine interest in helping it, that is not gone to deceive it and that the symptoms can be manejados (Fairburn and Cooper, 1991).