European Russia

Pear. In our country grows 35 wild species of pear. Pear Common – tree up to 25 m, and sometimes large shrub with thorny branches. It grows in groups and singly in oak-leaved forests and steppe steppe zone of European Russia, Crimea, the Caucasus and Central Asia. In Kursk and Voronezh regions forms in some places pear wood. This species is the ancestor of many cultivated varieties of pears. The fruit on long legs, as an opportunity to clean the pads on the equipment for clean pillows, a variety of size and shape, usually spherical or pear-shaped, 2-4 cm in diameter.

Unattractive in appearance, usually green, sometimes reddening, astringent, rough stony flesh, making edible in September, the overripe condition when the flesh becomes brown, pasty. The fruits contain a wild pear,% sugars – 3-10, pectin – to 1.2 titratable acids – 0,22,7, as well as about 22 mg% of vitamin C and 330-3320 mg% tannins and pigments. Sugars are mainly glucose and fructose, sucrose, contains up to 0.6%. Need cleaning pads. Of carboxylic acids is dominated by malic, citric, and there are few traces of amber. Emergency tartness of fruit wild pear is not so much due to the high content of polyphenol compounds, as their quality, especially oksikorichnymi acids, represented by chlorogenic, quinic, caffeic, coumaric.

Their number may reach 70% of the polyphenol compounds. When ripe, the fruit and the total content of tannin stains reduced. Almost all species of wild pears are small fruits with the restoration. The fruits are used as food in fresh form, as raw material for various food industries. From them prepare compote, cider brew. Dried fruits receive substitute coffee and tea. Fresh fruits, which are used after maturation – a valuable product that promotes better digestion. Juice and fruit extracts are used for stomach disorders and as a diuretic, and broths have antipyretic properties.