Employees Are Crucial Factor In Processes Of Change

Mutaree evaluation to the change barometer 3 Eltville – Erbach, 10 June 2013 – five factors decide the success or failure of change projects: the participation of the staff according to the results of the current change barometer of Mutaree GmbH, the experts in change management is most important. The TOP 5 of the influencing factors from the perspective of respondents like this present themselves: 1 participation of employees (72 percent), 2 professional project management (67 percent), 3. assumption of responsibility by the line (61 percent) coupled with 4 motivation strength of executives (60 percent) and 5 conflict resolution skills of managers (49%). A very crucial in the process of change comes to executives, particularly those of the middle-tier. Investments in the willingness and the ability to change the middle management are indispensable in a constantly changing work environment.

The people who want to successfully in the future make changes rungsprozesse, must win. Fears as a central theme the Mutaree survey also shows that fears are the central theme of changes requirements. On the one hand, these fears with all stakeholders are a prerequisite, on the other hand they are also a risk in change processes. The middle management is the key player: have a key role in the change process and often enjoy confidence in the affected employees to these fears at every stage of the process to dismantle. The leadership change is the highest requirements to the sensor rungsteam”, explains Claudia Schmidt, change expert and Managing Director of Mutaree GmbH and supplemented: companies that want to create change processes in the future successful, must win the affected people to active participation. Particularly the interplay between managers and employees plays the decisive role.” Many companies have the failure in the change while an extensive knowledge about effective change management, This doesn’t mean however, that you can actually apply this.

A change project that fails that has most diverse causes: poor communication, lack of traceability of the need for change, missing/unclear responsibilities and a poor project management are the main reasons why from the perspective the change processes fail the request, so the results of the survey are the formula to change success essentially the soft factors critical to the success or failure of rather. That still in the hard factors is investing more in practice, is difficult to comprehend. “Mounted on a simple formula quickly becomes clear that the investment in soft factors” significantly shape the success of the change. If you have any questions and/or interested in the overall evaluation of change barometer 3, please contact. About the Mutaree GmbH: The Mutaree GmbH is a specialist in change management. Around the services – includes the planning and Managing change processes as well as the implementation support to achieve the objectives of the change. Where is the human being always at the Center. Mutaree advises clients from various industries: banks and insurance, chemistry and pharmaceuticals, energy, healthcare, telecommunications, public administration and tourism. The Mutaree GmbH is a member of the Federal German management consultant Association (BDU). Press contact: Stefan Roth corporate communications phone: + 49 (40) 32 57 79-32 fax: + 49 (40) 32 57 79-20 contact Mutaree: Mutaree GmbH wine road 106 65346 Eltville – Erbach