Research Institute Thilo Sarrazin

Publisher: growth trend Research Institute Thilo Sarrazin, until now in the Executive Board of the Bundesbank, opposes most German politicians. They mean to save Germany from the Taliban in Afghanistan. Sarrazin found a new source of danger to Germany: the Arab and Turkish immigrants with Islamic background. Due to this fear he now no longer has the cash, he is one of the head-scarf girls”. Much to the annoyance of politics more and more people count! Sarrazin is around sociological issues in the manner of an accountant. As well as creative”accountants create their balance sheets, he combined the numbers and terms and tried with Combinatorial thinking, the fears to justify a threat to Germany. Such thinking operations are however not new in postmodernism.

Since many sociologists have ceded their profession in favour of pollsters and statisticians, various ideologies are fabricated in this way. But can a religion nor the genetics as the cause for a threat of in Germany be made out as the provocation by Sarrazin would suggest it us. There is another source but the threat that I would describe as a case of integration. The German company tried to provide individual life design in place of tradition and religion, in order to strengthen freedom towards a collective orientation and sense making in the last forty years. A father-related authoritarian education was abolished, supports women’s equality. Not so with most Turkish and Arab migrants. As the tradition and the patriarchal moral claim remained mostly unchanged. A such static position makes impossible integration. Because the policy continued until today not enough with this question apart, Sarrazin can use the integration trap as a provocation. American Family may find it difficult to be quoted properly. “On the subject of a reasonable consideration of genetic research see also the press release by the author: PAL Dragos: there is yet a cure the incurable diseases”? dated 20th 07th 2007 under in “the rubric: more press releases”.