When we acquired for the first time our product based on oil of Mosqueta Rose, or, that includes Mosqueta Rose between its components begin our restlessness about the purity degree, the elaboration process that has followed and why products differ from others and if this harms the security, quality and effectiveness of the product. How is extracted the Oil of Rose of Mosqueta? The process of extraction of the oil of the plants usually follows a standard landlord in the chemistry-pharmaceutics industry that differs according to landlords or guides who have been elaborated on these and that are based on certain factors as they are it: active stability of the components and/or principles, termolabilidad, microbiological affectation of the solar light, residues that are generated in the process, dissolvents and compatibilities, aspects, etc Cabe to say, that to come to the extraction it is necessary the meticulous task of harvesting and selection of the seeds of the plant. After this step, continuous with a milling (they wear out) and they go to the zone of pressing where each fabricanta will have to apply the method that interests according to its resources or the determined objective to him. Finally, the oil undergoes a particle filtrate process to give rise to the packaging and to follow with the stipulated stages of commercialization. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dr. John Mcdougall. What methods are used to extract the Oil of Rose? They exist, to groso way, two processes by which the manufacturer or laboratory is decided to implant in his area of production: Pressure in Cold: It is the extraction of the oil by means of crushed or the 50 press that does not exceed of C. Basically it is the traditional method, in which a low resistance exists and the speed of crushing or pressing does not have exceeds the fifty degrees of temperature. We remember that the friction generates heat and that, as it increases to resistance and speed, the temperature will be increased proportionally. .