European Commissioner

How to fight against illegal immigration? How to preserve the cultural values of the old continent before the growing migratory flow? In short, do as close to cal and singing the gates of fortress Europe before the demographic pressure exerted by the massive influx of non-EU citizens to the 27 countries that are members of the Union? The European Commissioner for Justice and Interior, Franco Frattini, made a proposal that contemplates the creation of a system of computer surveillance at the external borders of the EU. It’s a sophisticated register of fingerprints and biometric data intended to control the inputs and outputs of the nearly 300 million travelers annually crossing this club of opulence. Another requirement is added to these measures: citizens of countries outside Europe will be requesting via the Internet prior to any travel authorization from States members of the EU. This regulation recalls the measures taken after the attacks of the 11-S by American and Australian immigration authorities. In the case be approved by the European Parliament, Frattini initiative could acquire a binding character. Read more here: lee marks.

These late and unconvincing proposals from the EU Executive reflect the unease generated by the absence of coherent and effective common immigration policies in various countries of the EU. In France, the uncertainty in immigration led, in 2004, in the adoption of a new regulation of residence which requires immigrants the respect of Republican values, knowledge of the language and the acceptance of the principle of equality between men and women. The law, drawn up by the then Minister of the Interior, Nicolas Sarkozy, does not rule out the possibility that offenders are expelled from French soil. In Spain, the EU country that registered the highest rate of growth of migratory flows, in the last decade the issue of the foreign population jumps to the fore during the heated debate preceding the campaign for the general elections which will be held March 9.