Why antibiotics often cause diarrhea and how the probiotic S. boulardii that can stop now with the cold, wet season breaking in starts again the high season of respiratory tract infections. Most are harmless as a viral infection. Some of them are becoming but a tangible bacterial bronchitis or even pneumonia. By now must be traded and the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic usually. It is in these cases properly too.
Because the antibiotic is usually very fast full work. The fever goes down, it feels much better and want to leave as soon as possible the bed again. But suddenly the: diarrhea! Natural probiotics such as the medical yeast of Saccharomyces boulardii could have prevented that in afterbiotic, when they would have been applied in a timely manner. Diarrhea can be a very common side effect of antibiotics. It is in the nature of antibiotics and is anything that diminishes their value.
You should be prepared only on it. In the worst case, each can second antibiotics application are lead to diarrhoea. It depends of the prescribed antibiotics and of the sensitivity of the person concerned. Cause of such antibiotics of triggered diarrhoea is mostly a natural intestinal flora in the imbalance. Because the antibiotic cannot distinguish between dangerous and useful bacteria, are like the beneficial intestinal bacteria of the effect of the antibiotic to the victims and have made such micro-organisms place, which may cause diarrhea. These include certain bacteria such as Clostridium and salmonella, but also Candida fungi. Such diarrhea caused by antibiotics to prevent and even treat, the doctors talk of antibiotic of associated diarrhea, through the timely application of certain natural probiotics. Extensive current research have the paramount importance of probiotics Saccharomyces boulardii in the fight against of the unpleasant antibiotics side effect and for the health of the intestine. With a gram of this natural medical yeast per day, which corresponds to 2 x 2 capsules afterbiotic, the diarrhea can be tackled effectively. Large international studies have proven time and again. Even more. It must not be the unpleasant diarrhea by antibiotics. Afterbiotic you can even 3 days after starting the antibiotics treatment to protect of the health of intestines and natural intestinal flora take actively to reduce the risk of diarrhoea. Afterbiotic (PZN 4604255), which is by the way, significantly cheaper than comparable products can be purchased via pharmacies, also Internet pharmacies, good health centers or directly from the company. Because the intestinal flora even longer time for regeneration even after a successful antibiotic needs treatment, it is a cure for the health of intestines and natural intestinal flora advisable with afterbiotic perform. This is afterbiotic as a spa Pack with 3 x 40 capsules (PZN 5852096) or 6 x 40 capsules (PZN 5852110) and per 250 mg of probiotic bacteria per capsule. Because of the unique composition and the low price the products of Navitum Pharma not by other, seemingly similar products are interchangeable. Afterbiotic directly at Navitum Pharma each pharmacy, as also the users themselves, can obtain free shipping. Contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web: