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The Church

They did it consciously, following the belief that the so- preserve a favorite child of the evil eye or damage from evil forces. In our time there was a lot of new non-canonical names, not less beautiful. Maybe we should do the same wise as our ancestors. The two names are, and people dedicate themselves to God. One name they have the spiritual and the other mundane. Dedicating themselves to serving the church and God, they renounced the worldly life, as if starting a new life, then take a new name – always canonical, as a symbol of beginning, blameless, updates. However, remember that the child's character is influenced by the sounds of the name by which he is called on a daily basis, the name under which the child was baptized, is not involved in the formation of his character. Situation is quite different from the priests and ministers of the church.

They take a different name, having already formed character, not only in the family call them mundane name, so that the new name does not change their character in such extent as may occur in childhood. Another feature: the very church minister is well aware that his real name – the one he wore in childhood, and his subconscious mind does not allow the new name impact on the character. Quite another thing when a person knowingly waives his name to alter the character and destiny. He was ready for it, he knows that his only name is the new name.

Select Wedding Dresses

If the bride knows that she needs to dress for the wedding, the bride begins to think like a wedding dress to buy. It must be remembered that the attire for the wedding must be comfortable and elegant. Only if the wedding will be beautiful and happy for the young couple. It is first necessary to decide what dress to the wedding you want. Then you should decide what the girl looks and figure. From the figure depends on cut wedding dress. Next, you should to determine what color dress for you.

Some women love blue wedding gowns, others – purple, the next – brilliant, the following – brown. Allowed on the wedding day to dress as you want, as long as you liked herself, spouse and guests. It is also important to remember about the weather. Because the lightweight outfits for weddings differ from heat. By the way, short dresses are different from long. Length affects the price and a spectacular dress. Also, the brand has an impact on cost. If you decide to buy wedding dresses, go to the salon for brides with lovely dresses and the prices affordable.

Dresses are often lined with stone chips, frills, sequins. Not uncommon in the sale is pink, blue, purple, white dresses for the wedding. Do not forget that you need and other things. Must be purchased in harmony with the bridal dress. Also, a wedding dress should be in harmony ornaments and shoes. Decide how much money you can allocate for the wedding chic. Even without looking too expensive sold dresses, not to worry. This is a dress for a wedding must be purchased in advance. If you want to sew your dress, too, make sure that the dress was sewn in advance in finished form. Often girls do not have enough money, and she decides to buy a second hand wedding dress. You can buy a wedding dress in the former Used on the ads through their relatives in the cabin rental dresses. You can even take a wedding dress for a while.

Gifts for Girls

Many girls are glad this bauble, as plush toys and stuff that is put on the far shelf and gathering dust, or other lucky, but prefer a more practical gift – a precious ornaments. Gift to his fiancee should talk about your good attitude towards it and pleasantly surprised. He may be modest, but useful and romantic. For example, you can present a common umbrella or other useful thing, but applying a little imagination and transformed into a romantic gift umbrella ritual. If you notice that she liked a thing, then buy it for her. These are practical gifts for a girl sign of your serious attitude to it, aspirations cares about her. What girl does not like being feminine and glamorous in the eyes of her pleasant men? Do not forget about the romance, but combine it with practicality. If you are constantly going to give her toys and chocolate, then sooner or later it will bother her.

Much nicer to receive a gift of flowers and a teddy bear with a cute little box, which will lay a beautiful ring. In this gift there is romance and prose. Flower will wither, chocolate will be eaten, the first joyful emotions will pass, and the beauty will remain and will be happy for a long time. And of course, give your favorite flowers. They blend with any gift they can give at any time, like on holidays, and in everyday life. Attention, gentle words, sincere compliments, and caring, dependability, which will allow the girl to feel you like a stone wall, happy and loved – that's the best gift for each girl and women.

Personal Development

Under current conditions in our society need new benchmarks in the pedagogical, psychological prediction of personal development. Therefore, every parent and teacher must first be a good psychologist, be able to look into the future of children, provide them older, read the secret in their portraits, guessing role in life. Using the name and place of birth of the child as the key to psychological characteristics personality, you can approach new positions to educate the younger generation, specifically the ability to develop an early age. And this assertion is not unfounded. A person's name carries a great information. Try to take the name as a reference in your relationships with others, and you'll see some unexpected horizons will open to you, how many problems will be eliminated. Since ancient times mankind kind to the name.

He was not given a reason. As a rule, it showed about the purpose of a child and was associated with the name of God, on the patronage and protection that counts. Islam knows ninety-nine epithets glorifying God (Basically the same – one hundredth – no one dares to utter), and they are names. The set of names that are used to this day, gave the Orthodox Bible. Usually they indicate the type of activity or fate of a man who wears them. Thus, virtues, pleasing to God – love, gentleness, patience, and – expressed in the names Galina ("calm") and Irina ("peace"), and in the name of Isaiah, which literally means "let God save you," embodied the hope for support Gd.