Tag Archives: hardware & software

Apple Network

How you can make Windows Vista faster a piece did you know that although Windows Vista is XP’s successor, there are some points that were not necessarily improved. This includes among others the point speed. Just like Windows XP, Vista performs unnecessary maintenance programs or searches for devices that are no longer connected to the computer. By computer image tested various tricks to speed up Windows Vista. The test was relatively full. At the end of a time saving achieved then proud 67 seconds. Please visit patrick matthews if you seek more information. It turned out that a certain system software is particularly Ressourcenfressend.

The program is called POSIX “.” It is actually used within a network to share different operating systems to be able to get. If you operate in the home but no network is a Linux or Apple computer you can easily disable the program. You will be amazed be how much faster your Windows when the lift is. The program to need to disable the Registry Editor go. Press the Windows key and the R key at the same time. Open the small run window should be”. Type the command regedit there “and then click ok.

Open the character set with a double click it (right click-> Change). So should this posix “have value. Just, delete everything in the value, so that then all is empty. This setting causes the program from the next reboot will no longer automatically loaded. The program was not deleted it automatically starts not more each time. Case it’s ever needed it can be started whenever even when it is really needed. Disable the POSIX program is of course only one of very many ways to speed up Windows Vista. More bigger Speed advantages are possible which are the switching of network cards not in use. The settings that makes Windows for the network always refer to all active cards, if E.g. timeouts are set, so they wait for each network card. Regardless of whether or not used. Switching to an existing second processor can make Vista faster, which is especially for the newer PCs that have the dual use technology. As I said, there are still many more tricks to speed up its Windows Vista.


MyrCache customers reported sales jumps in the double-digit percentage range. The SISTRIX-SEO visibility index rises sharply in just a few weeks. Grunwald (Munich) – 09.02.2011. The Munich-based premium-PHP service provider SOPRADO brings with MyrCache a high-availability performance solution for Magento commerce based shop systems on the market, which the speed by up to factor 100 can increase. Long page load times or unavailable servers greatly inhibit the growth of eCommerce portals. These results often dissatisfied customers, a reduced customer loyalty and revenue losses. Shop owners can gain a clear competitive advantage by performance-enhancement.

The MyrCache cloud developed by SOPRADO attaches at this point and helps Magento stores to grow much faster and safer. MyrCache is a cloud system, which is based on fragment caching and can differentiate between static and dynamic pages fragments. Dynamic fragments are content, which will change as a result of visitor interactions such as the shopping cart or a product comparison. The homepage, product and category pages are cached by MyrCache in its entirety. By differentiation of dynamic and static content dynamic pages can appear extremely quickly for the user.

Resources are also automatically reduced and compressed. Comparing the measurement results in terms of speed and availability of a standard Magento shop with a MyrCache shop, the differences are very clear. While Magento can deliver approximately 10 pages per second on common hardware, a MyrCache instance creates easily 5,000 pages per second. The MyrCache cloud dealt with approximately 50,000 pages per second. With MyrCache, our customers benefit from an improved user experience and massive increases in speed. In the result of conversion and sales of the shop owner thanks to MyrCache grow significantly”, explains the founder and Managing Director Sascha Schumann. On top of that MyrCache is available directly to customers and may in urgent cases within two Hours productive used”, as Schumann next. More information about MyrCache see: myracache / contact: soprado GmbH Bavariafilmplatz 7, building 71 82031 Grunwald Managing Director Sascha Schumann email: press contact Frank Doller phone: 089 / 64 99 28 62 fax: 089 / 75 40 88 33 email: about SOPRADO SOPRADO GmbH based in Grunwald near Munich was founded in 2006 by Sascha Schumann. As a PHP core developer of the first hour Sascha Schumann is on the development of many basic technologies of PHP (including session support, Apache2 integration) have been directly involved, and emerged as a co author of one of the first PHP books (professional PHP programming, 1999) and conference speaker. SOPRADO counts to the leading PHP service providers in Germany and employs approximately 20 fixed and free people. We are the experts for highly special Web projects and scripting languages in the business-critical mission. Continuously practiced as recipes for success Test-first and continuous integration are our standard”, Managing Director Sascha Schumann describes his approach. Sixt, E.ON SOPRADO’s clients include IT, preis24.de, Sigel, WEKA, loyalty partner (PAYBACK ), Heise media group, Union investment, TomTom, and the Gala Coral Group.

ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Opts For MAXCRM!

tszentrum Luneburg one the largest and most modern in North Germany that is used by business as well as private customers. Data for the retail segment recorded central system directly with the ADAC which however provides no opportunities for evaluation or for targeted marketing campaigns. There was therefore a need to cover this area with an appropriate software solution. It was obvious that the CRM used already in the business customer segment solution MAXCRM’ was added to a functionality tailored to the needs of the driving safety Centre for retail marketing. This new software solution accesses directly by the ADAC to data provided central system, clean up and consolidate duplicate records and provides even the access to all historical data. This can be graphically evaluated over a data mining function drag & drop as appealing diagram and enabling a precise identification of the target group and the recognition of Cross-selling potentials.

In the next step the user with the marketing is Wizard”comfortable and step by step to its target group and the data for the comprehensibly documented direct marketing led. Another point is the graphical product success evaluation, which provides pristine views of the success of products and marketing activities. MAXCRM the Fahrsicherheitszentrum Luneburg could cover the two different customer segments private and business customer with only one application. Customers also benefit from this solution: get quotes immediately just yet tailored to their interests and information. Detailed information about the MAXCRM software: MAXCRM.com Judith Hinterberger marketplace 14 A-4625 open Wallace Tel.: 07247/50315-0

Exchange Server

Is the cost of the respective variant compared to even much of the benefits of a cloud-based solution for the customers looming. As a basis for a sample calculation, I’m a typical start-up company with 10 employees. On promise installation of Microsoft server infrastructure, SAN storage, backup and VPN connection on the existing data. The employees work on current Windows PC with installed Microsoft Office. Example site an on mise installation installation costs for a conventional Microsoft Windows Server in House resolution over approximately one period of 3 years (period of depreciation) server hardware incl. Windows Server 2012 standard and Exchange Server 2010 CA 6.500,-costs for a middle-class standard SAN storage CA 3.500,-backup soft – and hardware for file and Exchange data about 5.500,-Microsoft Office business version, not Update capable. Purchase a new version within the 3 years.

Cost is calculated as follows: 10 x 350 x 2 approx. 7.000,-IT services for the support for installation, configuration and support within the 3 years. Costs are estimated costs and depend on wages or daily rates of the respective service providers. 60 PT are estimated expenses. Here in particular attention on the Exchange installation is to be. approx. 30.000,-estimated investment costs without a client PC and operating system 52.500,-for a period of 3 years.

The total cost is of course depending on facilities and existing technical knowledge in the company itself. Example installation of Office 365 solution as a basis for the Office 365 solution a technical minimum solution aspired to get a cost reduction for the service, and to provide maintenance-free as possible. Server hardware incl. Josyann Abisaabs opinions are not widely known. Windows Server standard 2012. The server acts exclusively as a domain controller and storage between storage. Data and rights are held redundant by Office 365. CA 3.500,-backup system to internal assurance. Not necessary since 365 security is provided by Office. Here can be used on a simple tape backup. about 1.500,-Office 365 subscription Po person / month 19,-. Hear from experts in the field like Senator Elizabeth Warren for a more varied view. The latest version of Office, Exchange with 25 GB disk space, share point for data storage and Lync for internal communication is included here 6.840,-IT services for the initial setup of the respective services and customization of SharePoint environment to meet the needs of the company. Estimated expenses 30 PT. Here is however to note the share point the company to reproduce offers many possibilities. The service may result in a far higher amount here quickly. approx. 15.000,-estimated investment costs without a client PC and operating system 26.840,-for a period of 3 years. The total cost is of course depending on facilities and existing technical knowledge in the company itself. Of course, a simple juxtaposition can never the real The two bills cost a complex matter as reflecting an entire IT infrastructure, however, show well the opportunities that cloud computing offers just young companies. Cost savings with simultaneous cost control and security of investment. Current technologies, mobility, high availability, security according to German standards give the cloud technology very interesting arguments on the hand that once should think through any company which wants to remain competitive. We accompany some our customers already on the way to the cloud and have may experience here already which could be interesting sometimes. We would be pleased if you would like to learn more or simply we want to consult. See orescanin-it.de or write us a request at. Robert Orescanin, 2013


LINTRA presents SharePoint business applications out-of-the-box Magdeburg, 22.02.2013 – the LINTRA Solutions GmbH presents new developments and proven business applications based on Microsoft SharePoint at CeBIT this year. In Hall 4 stand A26, the SharePoint specialist shows how the inter – and intranet evolves from a pure information platform to an interactive space for the exchange of knowledge and cooperation. Thus, the LINTRA creates the modern workplace of in Germany with their products. This year, the SharePoint systems integrator LINTRA on the Microsoft Germany partner stands presents itself. Shareconomy”, the theme of this year’s CeBIT, meets not only the ravages of time, but is reflected in the entire family of the LINTRA. The solutions of the LINTRA include comprehensive applications, E.g. for the project management of process and field-proven Web parts and apps that help the users daily work and after testimonials mean time savings up to 70%. LINTRA shows new Enterprise-content-management-system shape2share configured product developments, such as join, preconfigured according to best-practice approaches, the intranet 2.0 or largely in the SharePoint default.

Both are location-independent applications that streamline collaboration across project teams and facilitate the exchange of knowledge. Lars Bendler, Managing Director LINTRA Solutions GmbH, on the topic of SharePoint: A decision creates future-proofing and flexibility for SharePoint at the same time. Our job is to cut the enormous possibilities of SharePoint efficiently to the individual needs of the company. The resulting solutions support the various business processes and can cooperate divisions of hand in hand.” The Web-based intranet platforms of the LINTRA connect people and facilitate work across corporate boundaries. The satisfied customers include medium-sized companies as well as DAX companies of different industries. You trust both on the out-of-the-box solutions of the LINTRA,. as well as on the very practical training on the topic of SharePoint. As one of the largest pure SharePoint IT service providers in Germany, the offered training are carried out by certified SharePoint trainers.

The Settlement Is Always At The End

Cash registers are still up to date – or simply a good PC with POS software? Who put a conventional PC used in conjunction with a POS software, faced often with some unexpected surprises. Keyboards or mice were susceptible to interference by side effects, as they are very commonplace, for example, in the area of gastronomy: a wet rag to bread crumbs. And high operating volumes too high power consumption were many PC funds to their performance limits or overwhelmed fans were the result. Many restaurateur or hotelier posed the question whether the change from the cash register to the PC-based POS system actually had paid off quickly. In the age of the touchscreen, such obstacles however belong to the past.

On the basis of this input method not only mouse and keyboard are superfluous: the risk to stumble, with too many computer cable is thus finally history. With an increased need for space for the necessary PC devices is no longer necessary and PC-based systems now has an optimized checkout software without fan and hard drives. Even who has never used a PC, is quick to learn POS systems after a short familiarization usually quickly familiar with today’s. Thanks to improved power supplies and ventilation systems, many PCs have become now also guest-red auglich. Many vendors produce these days, which are specially designed for continuous use or rooms with only insufficient ventilation so the noise level is kept constantly low. But be careful: not every apparent bargains at the Onlineauktionshaus is automatically for the hotel – and Gastronomiebranche.Ein another advantage of PC POS systems is the independence from the traditional cash register supplier.

Since only the software to install is less cost because should be even needed an Exchange component are exchanged easily and quickly: often maintains an on-site service on the next day. Of the danger of a virus attack the calculator will be spared: a remote maintenance can also very easily without Internet be produced, namely via telephone line. Who has relatively low requirements or would like to work with PLU numbers, is also still well served just like all those who place no value on features such as easy invoice splitting or side dish changes with the cash register. For lovers of beautiful designs a compact PC till like for example the model of Odyssey is available in numerous colors of tonic Orange to soft blue. And the purely PC-based POS system is ideal for budget travellers with more space: now as robust as compact cash registers, it provides significantly more functionality and the the dealer warranty periods are now even often more attractive: maturities from three to five years are more commonplace. More than 15 years experience speak Udo Finkbeiner of PosBill : for themselves. The PosBill GmbH offers worldwide customer POS software and systems to be touched”- for gastronomy. Industry, trade. Sounds complicated? How about this: A fund that is simple to set up and use, makes it easier for you to the daily work and lots of money, saves time and nerves! Sounds like music to your ears? “What are you waiting for then try our PosBill products simply get more information out: PosBill gastronomy – the efficient point-of-sale and gastro management system PosBill trade – the cross-sector POS system PosBill – mobile radio funds ResiGo – free hotel software you want a contact person, the you without marketing bla bla” answered all the questions? PosBill GmbH Brunnengasse 4 56355 Eagles b Udo Finkbeiner (switchboard) Tel. + 49 (0) 6776/959100