Tag Archives: Family Life

Men And Relationships

Men and women are very different in character, in relation to each other, and indeed the perception of the world. The only thing than men and women are similar – they belong to the same species. They have since ancient times, has developed his own psychology. Man hunted to feed his family, protected. The woman, in turn, brought up children, till the soil, preparing a meal.

In the course of the evolution of this procedure has not changed. From this and from their stereotypes of modern society on both women and men. A woman will always be regarded as the guardian of the hearth, and a man – dobydchikom. Evolution went on as usual, has changed the consciousness and the constitution. The man was taller and stronger than his companion because of its functions.

Changed as a way of thinking and understanding. Even the sight was different. Muzhchna due to the fact that he had to hunt prey and keep constantly in view, the acquired directional vision. The woman, on the contrary had to defend his home, until the man on the hunt, so the vision has a more dispersed and covers a large area of coverage. It is now clear that the processing of information in both men and women are different. They understands differently. Everyone has their own priorities, perceptions of the world, and behavior. Ignoring this fact, meet with incomprehension and only get a headache for a partner. And this is hardly anyone ponravitsya.Vse know that men are completely different in nature, but we give ourselves in this report? Each needs its own unique approach. Conventionally, men can be divided into four types: Shy That type men, who hardly dare first to make any offer, to be initiated, and all because they are very shy, a little pinched and not confident in themselves (they often ask themselves whether they are good enough for you, are smart enough, enough Do interesting and desirable).