Syndrome of the Empty Nest and comminhas almost extinct obligations, I am trying one I recommence, nor would be umareadaptao, much less to try to recoup them, yes to recriar them. Grown, independent children, living its proper lives and I, trying to walk alone. Umdifcil learning. Friends had left, ones for other dimensions, other diverse paracidades. Now I am wanting to know what to make with esperadotempo so idle mine. Exactly thus, I see how much it is good for being able to direct my life to parafazer what I want and taste, time to read, to make untiring walked, reataramizades that they had been parked well far from me. I have many values to pararever.
I know people whom difficulty does not have in walks alone, I I am learning the well wide steps to make these walked, time for outrame I see looking at stops backwards.> They are fallen again nothing acceptable for they surround that me. I want to feel itself free to smile and sensible to cry, I find that there I will not have fear of looking at a past that it insists on if fazerpresente. My dependence is so great that I see myself wanting to be filhados my children; somebody wrote that we will learn to be mother, when to nostornarmos grandmothers, when we will exempt in them of some responsibilities we will edirecionaremos our affection without distrust, more or less as soon as I understood, I go tera soon possibility, to place in practical, there, I will have my proper opinion. Noexitarei in dividing with who to desire to know, therefore the feeling is only. Thus I imagine. Today, they enter in the wagon that I am, people who without helping me to quereresto very, with affective words, attitudes without collections, meensinando that I can look at for front without forgetting the laterals. They, sempalavras had obtained to say that I can go to the past when to desire, not estesquecido it, only the good moments must be relembrados. Lies easy, pormdifceis of being assimilated.
I am very grateful for the received gifts paraminha soul, is countless. My love and attachment for the aged children and people, estasquase as I, also had been left of side, I still see that to possorecuperar. Necessary of this time, I wait to be deserving. I want to be possessing of a calm nature, to treat osdemais with pleasantness, thus I will make to sprout flowers that will start to cheer minhavida and of the people surround who me. This is my intention, will see if I will obtain to make with quedeixe of being only one project, as as much that already I made. I want a credit!