MEDICINE RATIONAL USE Laura Viviane G. of Oliveira Rodrigues SUMMARY In view of the increase of the self-medication, that is, on account proper medicine use, without medical lapsing or orientation of professional of the health for the Brazilian population, brings bigger challenges each time to the services and the professionals of health. It appears, therefore a great challenge not only the pharmaceutical classroom, but also the public health of the country that makes use of strategies and orientaes to promote the use rational of medicines. Word-key: Medicines. Rational use. ABSTRACT Given the increase in self-medication, or drug uses on to their own without prescription or guidance from the health professional population, brings increasing challenges you the services and health professionals. Appears therefore great challenge not only you pharmacists but also the public health of the country that offers strategies and guidelines you promote the rational uses of medicines.
Word-key: Medication. Rational uses. INTRODUCTION According to decree Law n176/2006 medicine is all the substance substance or association presented as possessing curativas or preventive properties of illnesses in human beings or its symptoms or that it can be used or be managed in the human being with sight to establish a medical diagnosis or, exerting a farmacolgica, imunolgica or metabolic action, to restore, to correct or to modify functions fisiolgicas' '. However the Brazilian population has if used of the practical one of the self-medication, that is, on account proper medicine use, without medical lapsing or orientation of professional of the health giving excuses that already know the problem the same and is of easy resolution and immediately decided without needing doctor, also due the difficulty in having access to the health services, Stimulated for the advertising, the people buy in the pharmacy vitamins that could get in natural fruits; association between ' ' sade' ' ' ' medicamento' ' , they believe that the more medicines to use more health will have.