Authority also is called being able legitimate; for specialization is obtained by means of knowledge, abilities or experience. (FOUCAULT; 1979, P. 29) 1,3 the ORIGIN OF the POWER IN the NURSING the nursing is a science that comes conquering throughout history, autonomy and power, this conquest was initiated by Florence Nightingale, as it tells to Vieira (1991) the origin of the Modern Nursing if it gave decurrent the Florence Nightingale, in the whole world, getting bigger reach from its voluntary participation in ‘ ‘ War of the Crimia’ ‘. However, Florence nailed the superiority of knowing doctor in detriment of knowing of nursing. Since Florence he disciplines it to Nightingale, the obedience and the subservincia in the nursing, are considered as indissocivel part of the daily exercise, not only in what they concern the assistenciais actions, as well as the relations between nurse and the doctor, the team of nursing and the hospital administration. (Foucault; 1982 apud PADILHA; , 1997, P. 02). Before the institutionalization of the profession, the power was exerted for religious, Until the middles of century XVIII, the religious ones withheld the institucional power.
However, from the moment where the hospital is conceived as an instrument of cure and distribution of the space becomes a therapeutical instrument, the medical one starts to be main the responsible one for the hospital organization, and the religious community is banished so that the space can medically be organized. (Foucault, 1982 apud PADILHA, 1997, P. 02). With the medicalizao of the hospitals, knowing was established doctor and to know of the nursing, that in accordance with Vieira (1991), with the appearance of the category of ‘ ‘ enfermeiro’ ‘ the hospital well ‘ ‘ disciplinado’ ‘ , the adequate place of ‘ consisted; ‘ it disciplines mdica’ ‘.