Civil Code

when there are several plaintiffs against a defendant. Passive joinder: the plurisubjetividad is in the Party complained against, we can define without uncertainty there are several defendants, since there is only a single actor. Mixed joinder: the plurisubjetividad is given in any of the parties, i.e., there are several plaintiffs and defendants.17 For master Carnelutti: classified them into reciprocal and simple, according to a plurality of actors face with one or several defendants against an actor, well into the second category, will face more than one actor with more than one demand 18 according to the time from the moment of its formation it is classified: originating successive joinder joinder joinder native: when a plurality of subjects appear from the initiation of the process. Subsequent joinder: When the plurisubjetividad (plurality of subjects) appears after its development. In the same vein, Palacios linen classifies the joinder in originating and successive, the first present a plurality that is embodied in the postulatoria with the demand or your reply stage; in seconds: the plurality is materialized to the join the process already initiated, through the intervention of third parties in its various forms.19 The doctrine based on the wishes of the legislature seat originating joinder the plurisubjetividad comes configured with demand, in other words, there is a plurality of subjects from the beginning of the process; on the other hand: in the subsequent joinder 20 the plurisubjetividad structure subsequent to the demand, in simple terms, occurs during the desenvolmiento of the process. Finally: As the source or basis of origin, to the joinder would classify in: necessary joinder Special or qualified. Joinder optional or simple. We believe that before giving an extension to this classification of the joinder, we offer below a small synopsis of how the national doctrine makes a clear division in accordance to our Civil Code and other legislation such as the case of Chile or Uruguay compared.