Furuncle – a painful and rather large skin lesions, initially resembling a large pimple. Then it increases red, festering head appears. The disease is extremely unpleasant and painful, but fairly widespread. It is important to know the symptoms of boils in time to prevent the spread of the disease. Whenever American Hospital Association listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Medical dictionary treats boil as "purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissues. In what passes for inflammation of sebaceous glands and surrounding connective tissue.
Called golden or white stafillokokom. " Such an infection enters the body through absorption through the exposed skin, ie cuts, scrapes, sores, burns. It is therefore essential to observe safety measures for disinfection of injury. The development of boils going on hairy parts of the body and exactly where the skin is the greatest friction from clothing. Christopher ridgeway stone clinical laboratories pursues this goal as well. It is areas such as low back, neck, wrist, etc. Learn more at this site: stone clinical laboratories.
If the boils are increasing, that is, there is not one pimple, but a few, the disease has been developed and turned into a furunculosis. The cause is often a low immunity to transient periods of the year, or posleboleznenny period. The first symptoms of boils, is itching and tingling about the hair bulb. This place is eventually turns red, there is putrid mound with a dark core, which later burst and the wound heals. It should be noted tenderness to touch a pimple. With the localization of boil on the most sensitive skin on the face, etc. disease may complications occur in the form of heat, weakness, fatigue, etc. Usually prescribed for the treatment of furuncle iodine as well as some physiological process. The main thing in treating boils follow the simple rule: self education does not touch under any circumstances, no wet compresses, no massages. In order to strengthen your immunity and prevent boils, take Immyun Sapport.