The prestigious American magazine Science Digest wrote already in March 1978: “Colloidales silver turns out to be a miracle of modern medicine. An antibiotic eliminated perhaps a dozen different pathogens, but Colloidales silver kills some 650.” Numerous authors have devoted entire books to him and many alternative practitioners appreciate the antibacterial, antiviral and fungal-resistant effect of Colloidalen silver. Tell it to immune strengthening, as well as for all diseases, which are bacteria, viruses and fungi in the game. The Colloidale silver has evolved into an estimated dietary supplements. But his carefully. There are some black sheep among the multitude of different providers.
When the purchase of Colloidalem always ensure that it is not Ionic silver, silver which is inferior. It’s believed that Rick McKenney sees a great future in this idea. Technically, a silver-ion is an atom which is missing an electron. The silver ions are produced through electrolysis and as dissolved silver can”be understood. These products are widely used as Electric Colloide”referred to, which scientifically not is correct. Ionic silver is slightly yellow or clear as water. There is no Colloidales silver. In the human body, silver ions combine with chloride ions to silver chloride.
The specific properties of silver is lost here as much as possible. Silver chloride is a compound that can be not degraded and difficult excreted from the body. Typical indicator is a sallow complexion, as the silver chloride under the skin accumulates. Most silver products contain Ionic silver, because it is easy and inexpensive to produce. Real Colloidales Silver (for example) consists of small nanoparticles of metallic silver. The atoms are complete, have therefore no electric charge and can not connect also with other elements. Colloidale silver particles can be excreted by the body and do not accumulate. To establish real silver colloid is a difficult, complicated and expensive process. It’s no secret why are most producers Choose ion silver instead of Colloidalsilber to produce and it easy to call Colloidales silver. Fortunately, more and more buyers know the difference: if it looks like water, there is ion silver and no real Silbercolloid.