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Swine Flu

Pig influenza: It will become ill to Colombia? 28 April 2009 the Colombian economic policy continues watching towards the long term. Nevertheless, it cannot neglect the problems that appear to him immediately and that have affected their capacity of growth. What have to do the pig influenza and the kidnappings with the Colombian economy? Perhaps much more than one it can imagine. Both noneconomic factors affect the same, first of negative way and second, dice their evolution, of positive way. ement expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The pig influenza expands quickly at world-wide level. At the moment, from Argentina we were like spectators of this situation. Anyway, with the flagellum of dengue in Argentina we have preoccupation for short while.

The pig influenza is so but so hard that it has not only affected until the moment great amount of people (already causing more than 150 deaths in Mexico), but also has struck to the markets. Also to the currencies since it has been the case of the Colombian peso that it abri his day yesterday being debilitated in front of the dollar by this circumstance, since this disease increased the aversion to the risk of the markets before the new context of uncertainty that has been generated. The influence that can have the pig influenza on several sectors of the economies is not a smaller subject. In Mexico it will represent a hard blow than in a while more inopportune for the economy. In Colombia, so far it represents a threat, but a serious threat. Several sectors of the Colombian economy already feel preoccupation reason why it can happen, among them, the tourist sector that came growing to good rate. While it read different newspapers in Internet to write this article on the Colombian economy, I ran into with the news published in site of the newspaper Universal that gave account of the reduction in a 75% of the kidnappings in Colombia in which it goes of the year.