Tag Archives: comercio-electronico

Brief Introduction

Hyper Text Language, in case that not as wise, that is the base of all the Web pages. HTML is basically what connects all links, graphics, and the appearance of the Web site. If you know HTML, then you’ll better understand the structure of the Web sites that you see on the Internet. This will help better the pages you’ve built and you’ll build in the future. But do not try to focus all your time learning HTML entirely or trying to learn all the labels. Spend too much time in HTML you can move away from the editor Web that you want to be, so just learn enough. Only advances until you can build your first Web page in HTML. As you learn, you can adjust the Web page.

What is an HTML tag? Well an HTML tag is what controls the presentation of links, text, and graphics on the page. The Web browser interprets these tags to control the size, color, and text formatting. Labels are only used for the browser and are transparent to the user. An HTML file is generally an .htm extension or .html if you open an HTML file using your favorite text-editing program, you will see plain HTML tags. If you open the same file in a Web browser, will not see labels, by doing so really the entire document with a format of colors, sizes and beautiful fonts.

The browser is that it is interpret HTML tags, to be able to see the tags you can see the source code of the page. If you are interested in more information about camera spy or night makeup don’t hesitate to visit the sites. For more information about bike descent take a look at the site. Original author and source of the article