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After periods of lactation as well as by the passage of time, moms are affected in its shape and lift; one of the procedures to mitigate these circumstances is breast augmentation surgery. Prostheses can return breasts to their original appearance. Also known as augmentation mammoplasty, breast augmentation surgery is a procedure that is carried out in the following manner: 1) the patient should be evaluated by a medical professional to know if it is a candidate for this type of plastic surgery and decide what kind of implants are best suited for your body. (2) Already chosen appropriate implants, is to fix the date of the surgery. Usually the incision is made under the armpit or in the submammary fold. The wound will be four centimetres long. (3) By means of such incision the surgeon creates a kind of bag that puts the implant under the breast tissue or under the pectoralis muscle. This last way is a little more painful, but looks more natural.

(4) Finally the drain pipes are inserted, the incisions are stitched and placed a bandage that must be removed within a few days. Breast augmentation surgery is an outpatient procedure that can last from 1 to 2 hours. So you’re a candidate for breast augmentation surgery you must be a bust with uneven, inconsistent size or lack of firmness. Prosthesis of breast augmentation to perform breast augmentation surgery normally used silicone prosthesis, since this material gives a better consistency and a more natural result. In addition, is the only implant has no risk of breaking. It doesn’t affect greatly the touch and sensitivity of natural nipples.

Other materials used are saline and Hydrogel, which give a consistency similar to silicone. Requirements for the breast augmentation should be accompanied, so they can help you to move you from the clinic to your home. Quit smoking for at least one month of anticipation before the intervention. Do not consume products with vitamin E, aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs. These medicines can cause bleeding during surgery. Follow the advice of professional plastic surgeons that will advise you in particular. Inform your surgeon if you have any medical problems as heart pressure or some type of allergy. Follow the instructions from the surgeon before and after the operation of breast. You should take advantage to ask whatever you want on your breast augmentation surgery. After the breast augmentation immediately after surgery of bust, the patient is taken to the recovery with bandaged breast room. Analgesics are supplied to fight pain and once you have returned to your home are encouraged to have to rest for a few days. Then will return to his normal life and even to work; You will however need to refrain from any physical effort for a few weeks. The best result is that it is gives you confidence to patients, who already models may be of clothes that you like most.