Social Psychology

With this, it was opted to systemize the concepts in the order that if starts to present. 4,1 Moral siege in the Relations of Work the concept of moral siege in the work relations can find different meanings, depending on the approach to be observed, either it medical, psychological or legal concept. This existence of differentiation of concepts in the words of Martha Halfeld Stolen of Mendona is confirmed Schmidt, where it standes out that: ' ' some definitions exist that according to vary desired approach (doctor, psychological or legal). Legally, it can be considered as an emotional abuse in malicious the form, workstation, not sexual and not-racial, with the end to move away the employee from the professional relations, through rumors, intimidations, humilhaes, discredit and isolamento' '. The concerns with the moral siege in Brazil if practically come back to the analyses in the scope of the environment of work, data that this space is provided with the most differentiated forms of relation and interaction between diverse people, due to daily convivncia that is constant fact and leads for times to the propiciamento of this practical. For in such a way, the used concept more of moral siege, concerning the present quarrel, is of the doctor, master and doctor in Social Psychology, Maria Barreto Daisy, it defines that: ' ' moral siege is the exposition of the workers and workers the situations humilhantes and constrangedoras, repetitive and drawn out during the hours of working and exercise of its functions, being more common in authoritarian and anti-symmetrical hierarchic relations, where negative behaviors, desumanas and aticas relations of long duration, one or more heads directed to one predominate or more subordinated (s), desestabilizando the relation of the victim with the environment of work and the organization, forcing to give up it emprego.' ' According to this definition the constant relationship and interaction between the people, of different positions or same in equal functionalities in the labor environment, show them it vexatious situations, that in turn, they cause psychological damages to the assediado one, desestabilizando it ahead of the proper job.