Helicopter Accident

Mauritius Urrela seriously is wounded, according to the candidate to the presidency of Guatemala, Mario Estrada. At the outset one inquired into which it had passed away in this wreck. The candidate to the Vice-presidency of Guatemala by the competing party Union of Cambio Nacionalista (UCN), Mauritius Urruela, has survived the plane crash that underwent east Saturday the helicopter in which traveled, according to informed Mario Estrada, aspiring to the presidency of the country by that party. Before information means, Estrada corrected the information that it had previously given with the death of his companion of party and assured that Urruela is the unique survivor of the mishap, although it is seriously wounded. The deceaseds in the accident went a candidate to deputy and a member of their security. According to Estrada said, the burns that underwent the affected ones were the cause of the confusion originated around the identity of the victims. Initially one made sure that one of the deceaseds was Urruela, because the faces of the three occupants they were disfigured by the fire that consumed the ship after the impact, explained a spokesman of the Municipal Firemen.

Urruela was transferred to a deprived medical center of the locality of Chimaltenango, to 50 kilometers to the west of the Guatemalan capital where, according to sources of the party, " one struggles between the life and the death ". One of the deceaseds was identified like the industralist Silvio Florit, candidate to deputy by the department of Quiche’, whereas the other victim is a bodyguard of Urruela, whose identity not yet has been needed. According to Estrada, the airship, a helicopter Bell 206 who was piloted by Urruela, hurried towards the 16,00 local time (22,00 GMT) in the mountainous zone of the area of Tecpn, in the department of Chimaltenango, to about 100 kilometers to the west of the Guatemalan capital. One of the doctors of the hospital of Chimaltenango said to the average premises that " the state of the candidate is delicado" and that at the moment is not advisable to transfer it to a welfare center of the capital, as they wish his relatives. Urruela returned a the City of Guatemala after to have participated along with Floritt in political acts of the UCN in several communities of the department of Quiche’. The spokesman of the Municipal Firemen, Carlos Guinea pig, said to the average premises that " it was difficult to arrive at the place from percance" due to the mountainous topography of the zone. Urruela is an outstanding architect and Guatemalan industralist who was united to the UCN in past February and weeks later vice-president in the presidential elections of the country was chosen like candidate, position to which will inhale consecutive Estrada for the second time. Source of the news: The candidate to the vice-presidency of Guatemala survives a helicopter accident