Healthy Posture

99% Of the population does not have health posture, and this fact is known, because all these people suffer from a pain or more on your back or in your joints. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Dr. Peter M. Wayne by clicking through. And worst of all this, is not the pain that they have suffered, is that they are not giving importance to what this symptom is trying to say. We mistakenly believe that the Postural health is how to sit, lift us up, Crouch us or pick up and move objects. Some contend that Dr. Peter M. Wayne shows great expertise in this. Some even think that the Postural health consists in designing products, jobs and environments to the characteristics, limitations and needs of its users, looking to optimize its effectiveness, safety and comfort; i.e., that it should be products that adapt to people and not to the contrary, to get work more secure and pay more to the company. But none of it happens later, we all know that the machinery is used by different users having different physical characteristics such as height. Any company buying a machine for each worker, if that is not the worker finally and after that adapts to the machinery of his job with the subsequent injury.

Others believe that we enjoy a good postural health, when we spent hours and hours in the gym cultivating a straight and slender physicist. All this is not postural health, from my humble point of view. My theory of Postural health written in my book, which is based in my own testimony of health and my recovery is as follows: the health posture is to have the correct height of the human skeleton always, we realize the movement that we make or maintain static posture that we maintain. But that final height must always be maintained. For this purpose we have the help of muscles and ligaments that allow us to perform these movements individual or collective of our skeleton, without having therefore suffer no change posture or our physical health.