Cristina Wolczuc

In 1924 he returned to work independently of Gurdjieff, coinciding with the departure of it to America. The last time they met was in Paris in 1930. During World War II moved to the U.S. In 1947 he returned to England, dying there in Surrey, on 2 October of that year. As Cristina Wolczuc reminds us, Ouspensky was not a common journalist, was really passionate in the search for hidden truths, before meeting her future teacher, constantly had traveled to Egypt and India. The years he was a student were very well used, it resulted in a great work: In Search of the Miraculous (In Search of the Miraculous). Ouspensky says in the aforementioned work, referring to the first meeting with Gurdjieff: This is responding more than they had asked is of central importance; Gurdjieff never said a word more, if unexpected things said, provoking a reaction, often confusing for those who listened, had, in that reaction, part of the art of awakening.

It was like a jolt. a There is a history as we are reminded Wolczuc, trachea Ouspensky, concerned that the man ceases to be a machine, Gurdjieff asked if it is useful to explore what literature is called "hidden" or "Mysticism." The answer is transcribed by an unexpected hit him a "yes a " a Gurdjieff said "You can find much through reading. For example, consider the case: you may already know if you knew the right thing to read. I mean, if you had understood what he read in his life, and have the knowledge of what is now seeking. .