Tag Archives: Traditional medicine

Stomach Burning Pain

Most likely many of you are familiar with the discomfort in the stomach, heaviness after eating it, burning sensation. And sometimes a sharp pain, which as always comes out of season. The reason for this may be a different disease the gastrointestinal tract such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, reduced or increased acidity. Causes of these diseases a few: 1. malnutrition (xerophagy, products containing toxins, pollutants, violation of the diet.) 2. Stress and nervous disorders that lead to reduced immunity 3. Bad habits smoking alcoholism 4. infecting bacteria hilikobakter pylori-5.

Taking certain medications treatment of all diseases is reduced to as follows: 1. normalization of food. (Fractional sparing diet, eating 4-5 times a day, avoid spicy salted roasted) 2. smoking cessation and alcohol 3. reduction of mental and physical stress. Dr. Neal Barnard is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Indispensable in treatment of these diseases are the products of bee honey, pollen, pollen, propolis.

Gastritis with acidity of gastric juice to make honey, 1 tablespoons s 1.5 -2 hour before meals three times a day, after dissolving it in 0.5 glass of warm water. At low acidity, honey, take the same dose as that just before eating, dissolving it in cold water. The course of treatment 1.5-2 months. In chronic gastritis and colitis, take a 30% propolis tincture 20 drops, breed in 0.5 cup of warm water or milk. Drink 3 times daily one hour before meals. The course of treatment 3 weeks, then break for 1-2 weeks and repeat the course. In gastric ulcer. Royal jelly mixed with alcohol or vodka in a 1:2 ratio that is a of royal jelly and 2 parts vodka. Take a mixture of 5-10 drops 4 times a day, 1.5 hours before the meal. Within 21 days. For the prevention of gastrointestinal tract may be used: 1 teaspoon of pollen diluted in half a glass of water (50 ml) for 2 hours. Drink 3 times a day before eating. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. Repeat every 3 months, ie 4 times a year and will not be for you. Folk wisdom says, "Honey – the best friend of the stomach"

East Traditional Medicine

Health – it is harmony with oneself and with nature. If a person moves away from nature and natural living conditions, if no longer listen to your body, it is not protected from disease of body and soul. Not Understanding the causes of their illness, the person seeking salvation for expensive medications, believing that there is a "pill" that instantly deliver him from suffering, and does not believe in treating people's means. At the same time people do not even tries to change his lifestyle and attitude toward the world. But each of us has great potential for physical and mental health. If you use it at least by half, then we can live many years of healthy and happy life.

About this remind us of the ancient knowledge of the man's nature, causes and treatment of diseases. They are collected, stored and transmitted in the heritage and traditions of the folk healers of various countries and peoples. This "traditional" medicine (folk recipes) is now somehow "unconventional", though she did not deny or contradict the official medicine. On the contrary, people's traditional medicine of West and East complement and enrich the modern official medicine. Visit our website on folk medicine, you will learn simple but effective popular recipes, which are divided from us by our visitors. You can add its proven popular recipes and resources. How to get rid of snoring or dandruff in my head? Practical advice and folk remedies for many diseases, contained on our website for traditional medicine, can help you improve your physical and mental health, identify and exploit your inherent in natural forces, to get rid of chronic and even terminal illnesses. But remember that in case of serious illness in the first place you need to contact an experienced doctor who can help you choose the right treatment, including "unconventional" medicine.

Hangovers And How To Fight It

So, if you have a headache the next morning, and it usually hurts … Limped to the fridge, get some ice, put in a plastic bag. Again for 5 minutes, take a horizontal position, attaching the head cold compress. (Just do not put ice directly on lo6 – you can burn the skin.) Within minutes you will feel relieved. The reason for the headache – the expansion of alcohol vessels. Under the influence of cold, they quickly come back to normal. If thirsty, and it inevitably worries …

It is best to drink cold mineral water with lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Tea with sage quickly takes alcohol from the body, reduces swelling. However, the chances that you succeed with a hangover drink but a very specific taste and smell of the liquid is very small. (You can substitute mint tea.) If you're on the eve and a smoke – it will help fruit juice of kiwi and orange, it will restore completely killed the nicotine supply of vitamin C. Lead to normal electrolyte balance of the body can use the pleasant in all respects 'bloody Mary': in tomato juice, add salt, pepper, and 1 egg yolk. (The things you think of the cocktail is absolutely not!) If you have a Magnesium effervescent tablets with vitamin C – just wonderful. (Magnesium binds to 60% alcohol.) You can drink a multivitamin containing essential minerals.

'Alka Seltzer' (or a solution of baking soda – 1 teaspoon to glass of water) will neutralize stomach acidity. If there are no forces well, and they, of course, no … A hot bath with lavender and rosemary – for 20 minutes immersed in water at a temperature 35-37 . This procedure increases the allocation salt by the kidneys in 25 times, the body quickly cleared of toxins and 'poison'. By the way, the Finns are struggling with a hangover, of course, in a sauna: 2-3 call for 5-7 minutes can completely withdraw alcohol. If you do not want to lie in the bath, we recommend alternating shower. Start with warm, then – and finally hot – cold, for 3-2-5 seconds, respectively. Census Japanese after water treatments do breathing exercises: for 6 seconds slow deep breath. then hold for 6 seconds breath and in the next 6 seconds – a slow exhalation. If you look not good, but what else can you look … 1. To revive the complexion, cut into slices cold apple, attach to the cheeks, a little massage the skin light circular movements. 2. The secret of geishas: wet towel in hot water, add 1-2 drops of peppermint oil, squeeze, and 1 minute, close by him. 3. Gymnastics for the eyes: within 30 seconds of movement left and right pupils, not turning his head. 4. Remove swelling with age as follows: 2 bags of black tea brewed with boiling water, cool and then put on closed eyelids. (You can also use chamomile tea.) 5. If there are no bags – take 2 teaspoons spoons, warm to hot water and slightly cool, not to get burned, at 5 minutes, then close their eyes. So, we wish you good to celebrate, but the next morning to return safely to normal life.