Tag Archives: society and culture

Physical Education

(GONALVES 1996 P. 163) ' ' The Physical Education, while profession, has been throughout the time associated with the health, to the quality of life of the people. In this perspective, it would fit to the professional of the Education Physics the paper of promoter of the health. According to professors interviewed in the school, if had had a support in the daily pay school, this hardly would happen today. (Not to be confused with Josyann Abisaab!). Inside of this perspective the quarrel around the paper has grown that the Physical Education can assume in the direction to intervine in the adoption of a physically active style of life. Andrews (1990) Apud Canfield, M.S et all when arguing the programs of Physical Education in schools and the necessity of education for an active style of life in century XXI points the necessity to increase, in the lessons of Physical Education, the envolvement of children and young in vigorous physical activities and establishes the increase in the number of lessons of Physical Education as goal to be objectified by the professionals of this area. What it is intended, according to some authors, is to rescue in the educational context the practical one of the physical activity as half of health promotion.

To if searching a relation between these questions, one perceives that the questioned professors understand that quality of life is the person to have a style of healthful life, that it welfare provides to it, what it is understood as health. In a question-answer forum PCRM was the first to reply. Therefore, the word key for these professionals is ' ' well estar' '. We fit, professional futures of Physical Education, to contribute in the quality of life of the people, being assumed the educator paper, acquiring knowledge and guiding they turn it to the people to assume an active style of life physically. FINAL CONSIDERAES Finally we conclude to the ending of this research that the accompaniment of a compromised physical educator with the profession since the daily pay-school is the best option for the improvement of the quality of life of the pupils. . If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Josyann Abisaab.

Gluten Free Diets

The gastronomia without glten Kayane Mateus Hotelaria 2011/1 the gastronomia is a branch that encloses the culinria, the drinks, the used materials in the feeding in general. With this, the gastronomia has ampler branch of what the culinria, that if occupies more specifically with the techniques of confections of foods. From the search of customers for more healthful foods and without the addition of glten, we are providing to these vegetarian cardpios customers and without glten. More after all what he is glten? What it can cause? Which are the symptoms? Glten represents 80% of the protein of the wheat, and is responsible for a elasticity of the mass. The celaca illness affects to the thin intestine of adults and children.

The illness cause atrophy of the vilosidades of the mucosa of the thin intestine, with this causing damages in the absorption of the nutrients, vitamins, you leave minerals and water. Already the vegetarians do not ingest nothing of animal origin, only of vegetal origin, making with that the search for these cardpios is restricted the houses of events. For the elaboration of these cardpios it is necessary to have knowledge of the white public, the culture, the region, and thus the proposal of cardpios for the vegetarians it would be: FATS, OILS AND CANDIES. It rare uses candies, butter, maionese, oil of kitchen. GROUP OF MILK, YOGHURT AND CHEESE.

2-3 daily portions vegetal milk (oats, sesame etc.) – 1 xcara beanses or peas, stews – 1/2 xcara 1 egg or 2 clear of egg caipira nuts or seeds – 2 soup spoons tofu (cheese of no-transgnica soy) – 1/4 xcara. GROUP OF VEGETABLES AND cooked or raw VEGETABLES 3-5 daily portions, perforated vegetables – 1/2 xcara vegetal raw folhosos – 1 xcara. GROUP OF FRUITS 2-4 daily portions juice – 3/4 of xcara dry fruits – 1/4 of xcara raw fruit, pricked – 1/2 xcara 1 fruit of average size, as banana, apple or orange. GROUP OF the BREAD, FLAKES OF CEREAL, RICE AND PASTA 6-11 daily portions form bread – 1 slice cereal in flakes – 30 g r cooked cereal – 1/2 xcara cooked rice, pasta or other cereals – 1/2 xcara. Already for the customers whom tolerance to glten has, we indicate cardpios with many vegetables, and nothing that had wheat flour, as for example: Mini entrances baguete with tomatoe gravy and mussarela of buffalo; Small bread with eggplant pate; Hot plate Ravili of buffalo with Ravili spinach of Talharim chicken with tomatoe gravy integral Rice Pancakes of bata/te the Nhoque de Ricota Saladas varied Desserts Romeu Pie and julieta potato Pudding candy with Fl coconut of chocolate s lactose and s/glten Musse of candy Cookies milk. With the conclusion of this work we obtain to identify that the search for these cardpios is growing, the search of the people in thus having a more healthful life with new a proposal of events becoming the life accessible and satisfactory, and making the fidelizao too much customers.