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What is hypertension? Hypertension is a disease of various causes. Which it consists and manifested by the sustained increase of blood pressure, its systole or in your diastole or both. The increase in blood pressure (hypertension) is a cause important, but susceptible to major, disease treatment, and is divided into primary and secondary. In the population in general, blood pressure is a continuous variable and its increase is associated with an increased risk of disease. Hypertension can be arbitrarily defined as a maintained greater than 90 mm Hg diastolic pressure. However, there is a no risk of disease in which the blood pressure is a pathogenic factor.

Primary (essential) hypertension is the elevation of blood pressure with age, but without apparent cause. Represents more than 90% of cases and usually appears after 40 years the phenotype of high blood pressure in hypertension is due to an interaction between predisposition Genetics, obesity, alcohol consumption, physical activity and other yet unidentified factors. Secondary hypertension, which represents around 10% of cases, is due to an identifiable cause, renovascular disease, which raises blood pressure to activate the Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system being the most frequent. Depending on your clinical evolution, both the secondary and primary hypertension can be classified into two types. There is a stable blood pressure elevation in benign hypertension for many years, while in accelerated hypertension blood pressure elevation is intense and getting worse in a short span of time.Factors that regulate blood pressure blood pressure may rise by increase in cardiac output or peripheral vascular resistance.

The first rises to increase the blood volume or contractility and frequency heart; the second can be increased through self-regulatory, neural and humoral factors. According to the degree of damage organic produced, high blood pressure can be found in different etapa:etapa I: without organic disorders. STAGE II: The patient displays one of the following signs, even when it is asymptomatic.