Tag Archives: medicine

Cosmetic Surgery

For the current human cosmetic surgery in fact is one of the most highly sought-after branches of medical science. Because, in addition to specific health body, has become increasingly important ideality shape. This can include people as social studies, to the same extent, and anyone who wants to prosper in life. Everyone knows that in human society is constantly greeted by their looks. This means that from appearance of all of us very much depends, as in the professional sector, to the same extent and in the field of interpersonal relationships. Often, plastic surgery can be a good lesson to get rid of personality from various psychological complexes. Chadwick Sapenter often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Indeed, so it would be: and this is true of both the stronger sex and women – sometimes the most significant challenge for all of us is not physical handicap as it is, and approach him on behalf of the man himself.

Thus, the ideal shape of the nose or eyes may not be, but there are widespread in society, or formed in the subconscious of any of our ideals appeal, that there is a desire to respond fully. In the situation, and if satisfaction is not formed without the help of a plastic surgeon – respectively, can be accessed in specialized clinics. Consequently, many plastic surgeries performed in order to allow each of us to feel perfect. For example, a number of very often practiced surgery is to increase the lips. Indeed, the improvement is most contentious areas of the body of each of us provides an opportunity to feel attractive member of society. The feeling is its own appeal in any case lead to this success and the reality, and in professional activity. The ancient Greeks said that the most important thing – to know himself.

And the study itself as a single fusion of soul and body. Every man – is unusual. Any there are certain physiological prerequisites for the creation of a genuine ideal. Of course, on his appeal is always to work with. This otoplasty ears, and a balanced diet, and sports image life, and, of course, work on yourself. Working with the terms of the spiritual man must be able to fully relax and be able to relax after a hard position – the stress, hard working day and the like. And, of course, afford a modest pleasure that can make reality more interesting and vibrant. And in that case you will be able to actually feel a perfect member of society, a beautiful and prosperous.

Myoma Uteri, Its Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

Uterine fibroids – benign tumor that develops from muscle of the uterus. This disease is most common in women older than 30 years. The development of uterine fibroids is associated with hormonal imbalance in women. Uterine myoma is the bundles of muscle and connective tissue. The tumor arises either as a node, which comes from the muscle of the uterus or womb affects the way that leads to its increase. Node is formed in the interior muscle membrane. Uterine fibroids occur in parous, parous, and not even sexually active women lived.

For those women who gave birth to two more times, the tumor is less common. A role in the development of uterine fibroids is high content of estrogen in the body, formed in the ovaries, with a deficiency of progesterone. This happens in violation of the ovaries. A large number of female patients have any symptoms of the disease are absent. In some cases the opposite signs of the disease are manifested very early.

Every woman irrespective of whether she had fibroids, should know the main symptoms of this disease. The first sign of uterine fibroids are the long-term heavy menstruation, which can take the character of uterine bleeding. Should also alert the pain and sense of compression of the rectum and bladder. Fibroids grow slowly. If there is a rapid increase tumors, it may be a sign of malignancy. That is why at the first sign of disease should consult a doctor to rule out cancer. Fibroids, even small, can cause infertility. The diagnosis may put only gynecologist in the ordinary palpation. With ultrasound you can specify the size and location of the tumor site. Do not treat the disease itself! On this you only wasting your time and start the development of fibroids. On the basis of survey data doctor chooses the treatment method. Currently, there are two methods of treatment of uterine fibroids: conservative and surgical. Conservative method is to slow tumor growth and decrease the severity of the clinical course of disease. Hormonal drugs can heal the latest generation of fibroids, if the tumor is composed of muscle fibers. Conservative treatment of uterine fibroids is indicated for small and medium-sized myomas. Central is fibroids, uterine size at which corresponds to the period of pregnancy by about 13-14 weeks. Uterine tumor is small, in which the size of the uterus no more than the gestation 6 – 8 weeks. You may wish to learn more. If so, Brian Thompson is the place to go. Some women doctor prescribes an operation. Surgery is recommended for those who have fibroids accompanied by uterine bleeding, severe pain, squeezing the bladder and direct intestine, as well as for large fibroids. Large tumors is likely to disrupt blood circulation in the pelvic disorders of the heart. There is also a risk for inflammatory diseases. The operation shall be appointed and with vigorous growth of the tumor. The purpose of the operation – to remove the tumor or the affected organ – the uterus, in whole or in part. What preventive measures are available? First, you need timely and complete treatment of gynecological diseases and disorders of ovarian function. Very important is the correct use of contraceptives. Women who take the modern hormonal contraceptives, uterine cancer is found significantly less likely than those using other methods of birth control. German medical service company Bavaria Med Service GmbH offers you the best options for diagnosis and treatment of uterine fibroids in the clinics of Germany and Munich in Germany's best gynecologists – Oncology with modern equipment. Take care of your health!


Furuncle – a painful and rather large skin lesions, initially resembling a large pimple. Then it increases red, festering head appears. The disease is extremely unpleasant and painful, but fairly widespread. It is important to know the symptoms of boils in time to prevent the spread of the disease. Whenever American Hospital Association listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Medical dictionary treats boil as "purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissues. In what passes for inflammation of sebaceous glands and surrounding connective tissue.

Called golden or white stafillokokom. " Such an infection enters the body through absorption through the exposed skin, ie cuts, scrapes, sores, burns. It is therefore essential to observe safety measures for disinfection of injury. The development of boils going on hairy parts of the body and exactly where the skin is the greatest friction from clothing. Christopher ridgeway stone clinical laboratories pursues this goal as well. It is areas such as low back, neck, wrist, etc. Learn more at this site: stone clinical laboratories.

If the boils are increasing, that is, there is not one pimple, but a few, the disease has been developed and turned into a furunculosis. The cause is often a low immunity to transient periods of the year, or posleboleznenny period. The first symptoms of boils, is itching and tingling about the hair bulb. This place is eventually turns red, there is putrid mound with a dark core, which later burst and the wound heals. It should be noted tenderness to touch a pimple. With the localization of boil on the most sensitive skin on the face, etc. disease may complications occur in the form of heat, weakness, fatigue, etc. Usually prescribed for the treatment of furuncle iodine as well as some physiological process. The main thing in treating boils follow the simple rule: self education does not touch under any circumstances, no wet compresses, no massages. In order to strengthen your immunity and prevent boils, take Immyun Sapport.

Stomach Burning Pain

Most likely many of you are familiar with the discomfort in the stomach, heaviness after eating it, burning sensation. And sometimes a sharp pain, which as always comes out of season. The reason for this may be a different disease the gastrointestinal tract such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, reduced or increased acidity. Causes of these diseases a few: 1. malnutrition (xerophagy, products containing toxins, pollutants, violation of the diet.) 2. Stress and nervous disorders that lead to reduced immunity 3. Bad habits smoking alcoholism 4. infecting bacteria hilikobakter pylori-5.

Taking certain medications treatment of all diseases is reduced to as follows: 1. normalization of food. (Fractional sparing diet, eating 4-5 times a day, avoid spicy salted roasted) 2. smoking cessation and alcohol 3. reduction of mental and physical stress. Dr. Neal Barnard is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Indispensable in treatment of these diseases are the products of bee honey, pollen, pollen, propolis.

Gastritis with acidity of gastric juice to make honey, 1 tablespoons s 1.5 -2 hour before meals three times a day, after dissolving it in 0.5 glass of warm water. At low acidity, honey, take the same dose as that just before eating, dissolving it in cold water. The course of treatment 1.5-2 months. In chronic gastritis and colitis, take a 30% propolis tincture 20 drops, breed in 0.5 cup of warm water or milk. Drink 3 times daily one hour before meals. The course of treatment 3 weeks, then break for 1-2 weeks and repeat the course. In gastric ulcer. Royal jelly mixed with alcohol or vodka in a 1:2 ratio that is a of royal jelly and 2 parts vodka. Take a mixture of 5-10 drops 4 times a day, 1.5 hours before the meal. Within 21 days. For the prevention of gastrointestinal tract may be used: 1 teaspoon of pollen diluted in half a glass of water (50 ml) for 2 hours. Drink 3 times a day before eating. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. Repeat every 3 months, ie 4 times a year and will not be for you. Folk wisdom says, "Honey – the best friend of the stomach"

East Traditional Medicine

Health – it is harmony with oneself and with nature. If a person moves away from nature and natural living conditions, if no longer listen to your body, it is not protected from disease of body and soul. Not Understanding the causes of their illness, the person seeking salvation for expensive medications, believing that there is a "pill" that instantly deliver him from suffering, and does not believe in treating people's means. At the same time people do not even tries to change his lifestyle and attitude toward the world. But each of us has great potential for physical and mental health. If you use it at least by half, then we can live many years of healthy and happy life.

About this remind us of the ancient knowledge of the man's nature, causes and treatment of diseases. They are collected, stored and transmitted in the heritage and traditions of the folk healers of various countries and peoples. This "traditional" medicine (folk recipes) is now somehow "unconventional", though she did not deny or contradict the official medicine. On the contrary, people's traditional medicine of West and East complement and enrich the modern official medicine. Visit our website on folk medicine, you will learn simple but effective popular recipes, which are divided from us by our visitors. You can add its proven popular recipes and resources. How to get rid of snoring or dandruff in my head? Practical advice and folk remedies for many diseases, contained on our website for traditional medicine, can help you improve your physical and mental health, identify and exploit your inherent in natural forces, to get rid of chronic and even terminal illnesses. But remember that in case of serious illness in the first place you need to contact an experienced doctor who can help you choose the right treatment, including "unconventional" medicine.

Vitro Fertilization IVF

In vitro fertilization – fertilization of an egg that the sperm in the laboratory and embryo transfer into the uterus for further development. This method is used for obstruction of the fallopian tubes, endometriosis, unexplained infertility, low sperm quality. What is the process? Artificial conception procedure can be divided into the following stages: stimulation of mature eggs, egg collection (Puncture of ovaries), the actual in vitro fertilization by spermatozoa, transport (replanting) of embryos in the uterus, the treatment after the transfer. Keep in mind that all the time from the beginning preparation for fertilization and before the birth the woman is under the supervision of specialists – endocrinologists, obstetricians and gynecologists, embryologists. At the first stage of a survey of the endocrine system women, with need – the suppression of its own hormones to optimize hormones to mature multiple eggs in the ovaries. The second stage – the stimulation of ovulation (egg production) and its sampling by puncture ovary. Next comes all the sperm fertilize an egg donor or partner.

This process occurs in the laboratory. Then the third phase – the transfer of the embryo in the uterus for further development. After embryo transfer into the uterus need the support of the luteal phase to the body can not rent the embryo – this therapy is carried out by progesterone and estrogen. Two weeks later, the first test done on pregnancy – is determined by the effectiveness of IVF. Further surveillance is carried out an obstetrician-gynecologist – a doctor is very important, as well as the quiet spirit of women and support from loved ones.

Ecology Russian Journal

Thus, one of the factors affecting the feeling of a lack of indoor air can be increased carbon dioxide concentration. So, is because of what occurs in human feeling of lack of air in the room: Because of low oxygen or high concentrations of carbon dioxide? If we analyze the the above example, if a person critical to the decrease of oxygen level even up to 18%, and increased carbon dioxide levels up to 2%? As we know the concentration of oxygen in the highlands of the planet is less than 20.9%, the difference in the level of oxygen at sea level. may amount to several percent, depending on altitude. Nevertheless, people live and work in such conditions, as well as we who live in the plains of the planet. Leaving go skiing in the alpine area, people can sometimes experience some discomfort due to the lower concentration of oxygen in the air of high mountains, but know that these feelings pass quickly and are connected As a rule, the lower the atmospheric pressure.

So in the article "FEATURES OF PULMONARY FUNCTIONAL STATUS KROVOOBRASCHENIYAI MIOKARDAPRI SHORT-TERM ADAPTATION TO HIGH ALTITUDE" published in the Journal of KRSU / 1, 2002 ( authors IS Sabirov – candidate. med. Science, AS AS Sadykov – R. et al., INC. Sarybaev-candidate. med. Sciences) concluded that "pulmonary hypertension that develops in a short stay in the highlands, mainly due to pulmonary vasoconstriction and is reversible. "Journal of Ecology Russian Journal 9, 2008 provides the following data:" The graphs measuring the level of CO2 and O2 in the classroom, clearly show that even in a time when CO2 levels increased to 1650 ppm or 0.165% (this peak is in the end the lesson), the oxygen level was kept within the 20.15% that is quite normal for a human level, where his condition is not change.

Hangovers And How To Fight It

So, if you have a headache the next morning, and it usually hurts … Limped to the fridge, get some ice, put in a plastic bag. Again for 5 minutes, take a horizontal position, attaching the head cold compress. (Just do not put ice directly on lo6 – you can burn the skin.) Within minutes you will feel relieved. The reason for the headache – the expansion of alcohol vessels. Under the influence of cold, they quickly come back to normal. If thirsty, and it inevitably worries …

It is best to drink cold mineral water with lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Tea with sage quickly takes alcohol from the body, reduces swelling. However, the chances that you succeed with a hangover drink but a very specific taste and smell of the liquid is very small. (You can substitute mint tea.) If you're on the eve and a smoke – it will help fruit juice of kiwi and orange, it will restore completely killed the nicotine supply of vitamin C. Lead to normal electrolyte balance of the body can use the pleasant in all respects 'bloody Mary': in tomato juice, add salt, pepper, and 1 egg yolk. (The things you think of the cocktail is absolutely not!) If you have a Magnesium effervescent tablets with vitamin C – just wonderful. (Magnesium binds to 60% alcohol.) You can drink a multivitamin containing essential minerals.

'Alka Seltzer' (or a solution of baking soda – 1 teaspoon to glass of water) will neutralize stomach acidity. If there are no forces well, and they, of course, no … A hot bath with lavender and rosemary – for 20 minutes immersed in water at a temperature 35-37 . This procedure increases the allocation salt by the kidneys in 25 times, the body quickly cleared of toxins and 'poison'. By the way, the Finns are struggling with a hangover, of course, in a sauna: 2-3 call for 5-7 minutes can completely withdraw alcohol. If you do not want to lie in the bath, we recommend alternating shower. Start with warm, then – and finally hot – cold, for 3-2-5 seconds, respectively. Census Japanese after water treatments do breathing exercises: for 6 seconds slow deep breath. then hold for 6 seconds breath and in the next 6 seconds – a slow exhalation. If you look not good, but what else can you look … 1. To revive the complexion, cut into slices cold apple, attach to the cheeks, a little massage the skin light circular movements. 2. The secret of geishas: wet towel in hot water, add 1-2 drops of peppermint oil, squeeze, and 1 minute, close by him. 3. Gymnastics for the eyes: within 30 seconds of movement left and right pupils, not turning his head. 4. Remove swelling with age as follows: 2 bags of black tea brewed with boiling water, cool and then put on closed eyelids. (You can also use chamomile tea.) 5. If there are no bags – take 2 teaspoons spoons, warm to hot water and slightly cool, not to get burned, at 5 minutes, then close their eyes. So, we wish you good to celebrate, but the next morning to return safely to normal life.

Hazards Of Smoking

If you smoke in order to stay slim and beautiful ostensibly, be aware that this is misleading. The best thing you can do to achieve the desired shape – this is, above all, to quit smoking. Remember that smoking contributes to a dehydration of the skin and deprives it of oxygen. Smoking also contributes to: rapid aging of the skin The negative impact of sunlight, poor environment – in themselves contribute to aging skin, and in combination with nicotine, this process occurs more rapidly. When smoked in our lungs produced trillions of free radicals that contribute to premature aging of the skin. In addition, when comparing two people the same age, namely smoking man would look older.

If you can not stop smoking, then you should definitely use the means of antioxidants that will help fight free radicals. In this case, ideal – Farmacia Antioxidants and Christian Dior Capture First Action (the funds are directed against wrinkles, dark circles under eyes, tired skin), Molton Brown Skinboost Nourishing Tonic (tonic contains vitamins and minerals that fill the skin with vital energy and promote maintaining a healthy complexion.) A sharp decrease in collagen Cigarette smoke contains around 4,000 toxins, most of which are absorbed into the blood and it reaches to the very structure of the skin. Smoking contributes to the narrowing blood vessels in the upper layers of the skin, resulting in skin is not well oxygenated, the level of collagen decreases. For this reason, people who smoke are encouraged to use the oxygen by means of skin care products, as well as products containing collagen (for example, Nivea Visage Age Reversal Intense Rejuvenating Cream, Cellfood). Thinning of the skin The skin of people who smoke tend to be slightly thinner than people who do not have this habit. The reason lies in the poor circulation. At a thin skin 'traces' of aging appear much earlier.

In addressing this issue will help facilities to promote thickening and greater elasticity of the skin. Change the figure is believed that Smoking contributes to weight loss. In fact, smoking can cause disruptions in hormone levels, affect the endocrine system, causing imbalances in the figures: some place really lose weight, but some get better contrast (will compensation). If the cause of addiction to cigarettes lies in the desire to lose weight, then it is better to choose for themselves a particular sport, which will not only contribute healthy weight loss, but will tone the muscles.

The Best

In aseptic necrosis of femoral head endoprosthetic joint decision as to accept without delay the case indefinitely, as necrosis develops rapidly and gives the patient a lot of suffering. What you need to know about the hip joint: 1. What are the implants themselves: Cement and cement-free implants. With regard to depression (it acetabulum) are absolutely clear: it must be bestsemntnoy. If you were offered cemented acetabular component – run from this "podiatrist"! Time has passed forever cemented kolpochkov, in some centers already like 20 years and even more so. In on foot of the prosthesis can say pretty much the same: cementless prosthesis stem is in the best clinics in Germany for more than dolgostoykoy, though there are a couple of "buts", such as osteoporosis and age over 73 years.

It is better to consult your podiatrist, but the trend: "cementless hip." 2.Material implant. Nickel. Here I do not want to overload you with information: all the implants are made of Western good brands. But if you ever noticed in myself are allergic to metal (eg, bracelet, etc.), then report back to the professor. Then the choice falls on titanizirovannye implants. If you decide to do this operation and you have doubts about allergies to metal make the appropriate test. The main and the main theme of specialization are the replacement hospital and knee and hip replacement surgery tech knee and hip joints. Metal or ceramic or polyethylene.

Here is a question of so-called "friction pairs" Artificial hip joint. It consists of a head implantatea worn over the cone legs and insert the cups. Endorpoteza head may consist of ceramic or metal. The liner may consist of a ceramic material. Do not overload your details tell the best pair of friction for patients older than 77 years is "Ceramic-ceramic". Its main advantage is that virtually no pottery wears. And it was the attrition gradually destroying the bone, causing a loosening of the implant and thus the pain and the need for new operation. Disadvantages of polyethylene – has already indicated at the top of abrasion flaws pair of metal-metal – insufficient time to market, just under discussion, that the particles of the metal, getting into the bloodstream, causing damage to the kidneys and cause allergic reactions. Thus, the tendency to "cementless hip joint with a ceramic FRICTION COUPLE"