Tag Archives: magic

Kola Power Seats Peninsula

Device Shkatova allows you to measure the contrast of the torsion of individual words, while the tc word, usually equal to the sum of tc letters composing it. In other words, the torsion field of speech equal to the sum of torsion fields of its constituent letters, though This assertion is confirmed with an accuracy of 10-20%. For example, using data presented in Fig. easy to calculate that the tc word Christ is +19. Proceeding from the above, we chose the physical media for our Army as a Conventional CD-ROM drive, so the circle creates a maximal right torsion contrast. Our cb you can not find any video or audio recordings. They moved to the method of transfer and simulation of vibration of the Kola Power Seats Peninsula, that is a piece of nature in your home.

cb primarily a positive influence on the autonomic nervous system, have no side effects because it is not pharmacology, is an energy places of power. Except energetic tone, cb possess information component. With the help of cb can be structured water, food, their sleeping place, office, apartment and t.d.Diametr field of basic sw 39metrov. In addition to improving the functions cb help solve many social issues, is to help in their studies, mental activities, the creation of a harmonious, peaceful environment at home and at work, and much more (see catalog ST). And a half years of interaction with cb Time synchronizer, we are satisfied with their endless potential, as the work with the Army requires a creative approach.

We give a general direction, but experience shows that people are starting to interact with the cb itself included in the creative process and offer their own opportunities. Sometimes the "side" results are so unexpected, that is staggering in its scale. As it happened, when her husband employee of our center were given cb (he suffered from hypertension), he worked on a fishing boat in the area of Mauritania. We wanted to see how under the equator on the distillate will work our Kola st. As a result, using structured to ne Distillate he got rid of hypertension, while he said a good mood, good sleep, no bad thoughts, high efficiency during the entire flight. But the most interesting things that catch amounted to 158%, a record haul for the history of the trawl fleet. At the present time, the experiment is repeated, the catch is progressing well, in March 2009 will be known to the final result. We noticed one interesting pattern that neighbors within range of sw stop complaining about his health, drug subsided, the family squabbles. ne are also filling the energy of food is no secret that the products of the energy component could be better. Look at how much people eat, and do not get full, because the products do not have the energy. Particularly in developed countries where the products are powerful technological processing. sw potential is huge, it's very nature, the possibility of which by anyone and in no way limited.

Treasure Map

There are very proliferation and very effective method of wish-fulfillment – a map of treasures. Who invented it and where it goes astray for years already, and maybe the century. Meets the description of such maps in the books of Mark Prophet. Very Many people create these maps and their desires are fulfilled, and often just as was depicted on the map. Mark Prophet described what he had created such a card and pasted in her photograph of a woman's appearance which he enjoyed a few years later he met a woman, an absolute copy of the very same that was in the photo and married her. John Assaraf says in the film 'The Secret', which is creating a treasure map pasted on it a picture house, which he liked, and five years later, he found that already lives in this house! An example of such fulfillment of desires big set and you can become one of those whose desires materialize. To create such a map need to take a white sheet of paper the size of a favorable split it into nine cells. Top of the south – an area of fame and high position in society, there must be placed on images of type Zepter, or other images associated with you with your success.

Bottom north of this sector career, there can add a picture turtles, marine or better picture of the building or the analog of the company where you would like to work. On the right is the west – the sector of children, place his picture associated with children if you want a child. East on the left there are placed a picture related to the family, if you want to start a family, then stick a picture here of happy families. In the south-west – a sector or cell of marriage and love, then You can paste pictures of men if you do not have enough attention or photograph of a single, if you're looking for your soul mate, or you can immediately locate a picture of happy couples. In the northwest sector of aides and travel, here you can locate pictures of dolphins, as they are considered the symbol of care or a statue Ganesh, who is also considered to be such a symbol can also be placed here photos of people from whom you would like to get help or pictures of countries or cities where you would like to visit. In the northeast sector is knowledge, there is place a picture or write the name of the pagoda school or university or courses where we would like to learn. In the southeast sector of wealth there is place a picture of money or any other that you associate with wealth. Card is ready, you now need to place it in your 'source of qi' To know where you are in apartment or room is your most auspicious sector, determine the number of your Gua and Qi respectively sector Birth After that, put your treasure map in this friendly corner of your home or room. Enjoy always conscious of his creation and the joy of feeling that you've already reached that they wish. Your desires will be fulfilled!