‘Quantum and the art of healing’ is the title of a compelling book by Peter Bolen. The title of a compelling book by Peter Bolen is quantum and the art of healing, since it puts any reader, lay people like experienced therapists in the position, to understand these highly effective healing method and apply. The author is basics this fascinating approach to strengthen the self-healing powers as well as their practical use. Doctors, psychotherapists, and general health-conscious, want to get to know a method and apply that which they can strengthen the self-healing powers of patients or to itself, consider the quantum’s new book and the art of healing”by Peter Bolen. The renowned physician and body psychotherapist, which simultaneously has rediscovered the so-called 2-point method ten years ago with American therapists and tested, explains is the findings of quantum physics zugrundelegend underlying which backgrounds and principles in natural peoples since Thousands of years known healing form has. Vivid dissolve blockages and explaining step by step so that medical and psychological lay people benefit, the author, as it shows mental and physical blockages, which become apparent as disorders, quickly can be treated effectively using the quantum healing, without requiring any physical or chemical interventions. According to Bolen, this healing method also to the self application suitable to eliminate any form of physical and emotional blockages.
For laymen such as therapists this highly recommended book readers will appreciate it, that the author has clearly broken it. In addition, it has understood Bolen to resolve the complexity of the issue so that everyone can always follow his argument. Depth is also thereby guaranteed that Bolen produces cross-links to healing approaches in different cultures and times. Therapists who are interested in the set forth healing method, get a sound guide that will help you to the application of the method. As a result of Bolen no longer promises more vitality, more ease, more space for awareness, ultimately better luck for possible held healings as a result.