Dry Taquara

This house she was the pioneer in the commerce of Dry and Wet and Small wareses, becoming? if the main supplier of merchandises for the localities of San Francisco de Paula, Would be vacant, Good Jesus, Cinnamon, Rolling Lawn, Three Crowns and. In this context, we perceive that one of them pillars that had strengthened the emancipation politics of Taquara, was the great commercial and industrial development that appears at this time. The commerce and the industry change the city the taquarense commerce if it would consolidate from the system of exchange of the excesses, that the immigrants start to develop in the colonies, were they particular or organized by the Empire. In this context, the cultivated agricultural products were changed by articles of first necessity, such as: fabrics, salt, honey, bathe, wool, kerosene and medicines. This process made possible the progress of local commerce e, as, Jean Roche affirms: ‘ ‘ The commerce has its roots in the colonies, and to the development of these it must its prosperity. But this development only became possible through exchanges, whose influence was decisive in the production and the economy of the colonies. It had, thus, symbiosis between the commerce and agricultura’ ‘.

(Roche, 1969, p.403). In accordance with the citation above, we can identify that the exchange system was occurring in the Old Taquara of the New World, more specifically in its central zone, that understood the streets Jlio de Castilhos and Tristo Hunter. We can observe that the consequncia of the system of exchange between merchandises, made possible the fast downtown growth from 1910 and drew out? if up to 1930. As it shows the figure below, where the Street Jlio de Castilhos formed the urban space of Taquara in the first decades of century XX, giving to the taquarense society the feeling of living in the city.